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April Mass & Church

By March 30, 20172017 April, events
church and mass senior living st charles mo

Fr Bob is very busy this month! Holy Thursday, April 13th Service will be held at 2:00 pm. Good Friday, April 13th Service at 2:00pm and Easter Sunday Service will be at 11:00am. Catholic Mass is every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 with Rosary at 10:40. Catholic Room Communion on Tuesday and Thursdays with Jennifer Iffrig. Trinity Lutheran is here every first Thursday at 11:15 and Immanuel Lutheran is here every 3rd Thursday at 11:15. We have the Gospel with Keith every other Thursday at 11:15 and Bible Study twice a month with Carol Peterman. First United Methodist Church Worship Service is every 3rd Saturday at 9:15. Plenty of opportunity to fulfill spiritual needs. All are welcome!