Senior Living in St. Charles

Since 1919, Mount Carmel Senior Living has set the standard for excellence in caring for older adults. We offer seniors a full continuum of care through The Arbors assisted living and the attached long-term care center.

We are nestled in the historic area of St. Charles, Missouri where we’ve worked hard to maintain the integrity of our heritage. While our exterior appearance is rich with history, the interior is state-of-the-art and home to every convenience senior adults need to be healthy, safe and independent.

We care for each aging resident’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Additional, our clinical team is comprised of some of the most experienced and well-credentialed health care professionals in all of eastern Missouri.

St. Charles: 636-946-4140 – 723 1st Capitol Dr., St Charles, MO 63301

See what Mount Carmel Residents have to say…

“I needed a knee & hip replacement, so Dr. Schaberg told me Mount Carmel was the best place to go for my therapy. You are the best place out there!”
-Ed Pundman, Long Term Care Resident

“I suffered two broken hips and needed the specific therapy Mount Carmel offered. I now have a better quality of life, and the location is convenient so my family can visit frequently.”
-Art Kahn, Long Term Care Resident

“I suffered sciatic nerve damage, which caused paralysis from the knees down. The therapy was great and the staff was very nice. I was able to return home, go to the gym, drive and improve my mobility. Mount Carmel has every service available and is the best around.”
-Erv Ermeling, Former Skilled Patient

Do you know how to plan for
rehab-to-home discharge?

The best time to start planning for discharge is just after your family member is admitted. While it may seem too soon to think about going home, planning gives you more time to prepare. Read our interactive resource and learn what questions you should be asking to effectively plan for your family member’s discharge from rehab.


Schedule a tour or stop by for a visit

St. Charles: 636-946-4140 – 723 1st Capitol Dr., St Charles, MO 63301